Excellent as a hiding shelter for adult Ball Pythons. Available in three sizes to accommodate many popular reptile species. Zoo Med Repti Shelter is great for geckos, anoles, small skinks and snakes - the largest model is even suitable for Royal pythons.
#Repti shelter free#
Need to find them? No more lifting up heavy rocks and getting pinched fingers! Zoo Med Repti Shelter makes locating your pet hassle free with a detachable top for quickly viewing your scaly, hairy, or slimy footed friend. Durable resin construction means that it can easily be washed and sterilized, and the removable lid makes it easy to check on your animals or remove eggs. In addition to a customizable environment, the shelter acts as a hide for your reptile, amphibian, or invertebrate to retreat to when feeling threatened or stressed. The multi-faceted cave can be filled with different substrates to a create an isolated spot of increased humidity in the terrarium that will assist in your pet's stubborn sheds without drastically changing the entire habitat's climate. The Zoo Med Repti Shelter is the ultimate product of versatility and function.

#Repti shelter full size#
The others were in good condition and in one piece. Zoo Med Repti Shelter 3 in 1 CaveMedium 8. This repti shelter has leapard geckos on it pic on box maybe for babies But not big enough for full size leapard geckos so i will put in anole tank. My excitement faded as the first one was damaged. TheZoo Med Repti Shelter 3-in-1 cave can be filled with Terrarium Moss or Eco-Earth to provide a humid micro-climate for shedding, hiding, or egg laying. Petguys sent me the tracking number and they arrived on time and boy was I excited. I ordered 3 of them and waited with anticipation for them to arrive. Online Petco, Chewy and others only carried small and medium models.įinally I found the right size for a reasonable price at. I looked for it at my regular pet shops and couldn't find it. I had ordered it from Amazon which was a great price except that I received the wrong size. I can't tell you how much misery looking for this product caused me.